HiPP HA hydrolyzed

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4. Mär 2024 04:08
HiPP HA hydrolyzed
Is the HIPP Pre HA partially or extensively hydrolyzed? I need an extensively hydrolyzed formula for my daughter.

Ist das HIPP Pre HA teilweise oder weitgehend hydrolysiert? Ich benötige eine stark hydrolysierte Formel für meine Tochter.
4. Mär 2024 12:22
Re: HiPP HA hydrolyzed
Dear „Shannahaniff“,

we use an extensively hydrolyzed protein in our HiPP HA infant formula.
Nevertheless it has no therapeutical approach and is not suitable for a cows milk protein allergy.

Please also consult your pediatrician as to whether our HiPP HA infant formula is suitable for your daughter.

All the best and best wishes
your HiPP expert
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