HIPP comfort vs HIPP HA

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Liebe Eltern,

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Eure HiPP-Expertinnen

12. Apr 2024 17:41
HIPP comfort vs HIPP HA
Hello we are currently on HA Stage 1 but baby is still gassy and has stomach pains. Considering whether HIPP Comfort could be an option.

1. Is HIPP comfort also made with the same hydrolyzed protein? IS it the same level as HA or is it more ir less hydrolyzed?

2. What is the difference between comfort and HA?

15. Apr 2024 08:48
Re: HIPP comfort vs HIPP HA
Dear „Shannahaniff“,

Thank you for contacting us again!

The used hydrolyzed protein in our HiPP Comfort and HiPP HA formula is the same – it is a strong hydrolyzed protein. Next to the hydrolyzed protein, the HiPP Comfort contains an easily digestable fat and less lactose.

Our HiPP Comfort is a product in the category foods for special medical purposes. It is a nutritionally complete formula which is suitable for the dietary management of colic and constipation from birth. Due to that circumstance, please ask your pediatrician before feeding your baby – that is important.

Your paediatrician knows your baby and is best placed to assess the situation on site. Unfortunately, this is not possible from a distance. Your paediatrician can then tell you whether HiPP Comfort or another formula is suitable, how long your baby needs it.

We wish you and your baby all the best!

Best regards,
HiPP Expert Ulrike
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